Business Valuation Services

Cumming business valuation services

Every business needs a current business valuation on file because life is unpredictable, and change happens fast. An annually updated business valuation is one way to ensure that your business is prepared for whatever comes your way - from personal life changes to business expansion opportunities. At Aybatax INC, we understand how important an accurate business valuation is and we’re here to help you check this task off of your to-do list.

In our Cumming, GA accounting firm, we are skilled at creating business valuations for a variety of reasons. So, whether it’s for a prenuptial agreement, estate planning, a fraud investigation, or a merger, we have the resources and know-how to interpret your financial data with precision. Working closely with our clients, we compile a company history, survey your business finances, assess business tax information, account for tangible and intangible assets, liabilities, intellectual property, and more. This comprehensive approach allows us to provide you with a realistic and accurate valuation in the context of current market value for your industry. Our findings are carefully documented in a detailed report so that the information is at your fingertips when you need it.

Learn More about Business Valuations

Don’t put off getting this vital piece of information prepared for your business. Call us at 404-247-0532 now to request a consultation.

  • Mergers and acquisitions
  • Selling a business
  • Buy-sell agreements
  • Litigation support
  • Fraud investigations
  • Business disputes
  • Estate planning
  • Tax planning
  • Insurance purposes